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John Lambert
John H. Lambert
2899 Messer Road
Valdese, NC 28690
Phone: (828) 437-2369 (Hm)
Mobile: Please send me an email if you would like this number
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Resume: Click here...

My Story

For most of my adult life I've been in technology - in some form or another, of which using computers is only a part of.  I was bitten by the "bit-bug" around 1980 when my eldest brother (and mentor) took me on an weekend outing to his employer in Gaston Co. NC and introduced me to a main frame - a VAX-11/780.  I found out what was meant by the term "big iron."  Little did I know then but soon learned that what I was observing was multiple VAX's in what's called a VMS Cluster - multiple parallel processing main frames linked together sharing common tasks.  Wow!  Built by Digital Equipment Corporation the VAX-11 system was their flagship processing behemoth.  And, a behemoth it was - it took 20 tons of A/C to cool the data center where it ran.  For all you PC "young-uns" that missed the good old days of big iron, that's 240,000 btu's of Air Conditioning (24x365).  How would you like to pay the power bill on that?